About Me

Brief Introduction

Hi there! My name is Eugene and I’m a real estate Marketing Director working under the ERA Realtor Network agency in Singapore. I’ve worked previously as an Aerospace Engineer with an MNC in the USA, a professional photographer as well as a website developer who is highly skilled in the art of digital and content marketing.

What I can do for you

For New Launches

Not all condos will grow at the same rate. In fact, some new launches are mainly for home staying and not investing as the growth rate in those areas are not good enough to be able to sell at TOP.

If you are planning to invest in a new property, I am a real estate agent who is also into real estate investing. To keep myself up to date, I read books and take courses on anything that’s about real estate investing.

Using the traditional real estate investing formulas used all over the world and adding a new twist to these formulas to make them more relevant to new launches in Singapore, I am able to show you whether or not this condo will be able to make you money, increase your rent yield or provide you with enough income when you plan your exit strategy when your new launch receives the T.O.P (Temporary Occupation Permit).

If you are buying something for homestay. The capital gain appreciation is not the main concern, you are probably choosing the new launch based on other factors like nearby schools, nearby amenities as well as the various transport services available to your new launch. Or it could just be that you like that area very much. If so, I’m here to make sure you are choosing the best property based on the criteria you’ve picked for yourself and do the necessary research as necessary to make sure you are at your best position to make your decision.

For Resale Properties

With all my previous skills gained from the jobs I’ve held over the past ten years, I can say with utmost confidence that the skills that I currently possess can give your listing whether you are looking to sell or rent out your unit an unsurpassed advantage over other property agents who are looking to market your prized real estate. Combined with good photography and excellent copywriting skills, my aim for all my clients, past, present and future have always been to get the best deals and price offers that you can possibly expect to get from the current property market here in Singapore.

For customers looking for a new resale property, I am always on a lookout for good deals and undervalued properties with potential for growth for my clients. Real estate investing involves a considerable amount of monetary investment on the part of the buyer and I considered it a duty to only recommend a house if it’s truly suitable and will work together with you to select a unit which is not only something you really like and at the same time prove to be an appreciating asset in the Singapore property market.


Professional photos of your house for rent or sale will stand your listing out from the other mediocre photos you see in real estate websites like property guru and 99.co. Statistics studies have shown that with better images, you can expect the following

You cannot discount the importance of good visuals for your real estate and that’s why you cannot rely on just an iPhone camera to capture your real estate images. For me to work as your preferred Real Estate agent means you are also working with a professional photographer who works with the latest full-frame camera, camera lens, light strobes and the technical know-how in retouching to put your real estate listing in the best light possible for all your potential buyers or renters to see. 


In this stage of overflowing knowledge in the web, just to know that a unit that is near MRTs, public transport and good schools is not enough. You have to keep constantly ahead on the latest news and trends happening in Singapore to properly value a unit. There are also calculations required to determine if the unit you like is really selling at a good value. I’m familiar with the various formulas that exist in the real estate investing world like the GRM (Gross Rent Multiplier) Formula which can determine the optimum amount of rent or sales price you can charge if you are selling, Income Capitalisation Formula to determine the market value of your house also determines if it’s worth the returns you are getting for the amount of cash you’ve put in for the house you are buying.


I’m different from other agents because of my ethics and integrity in which I approach my work.

If you are looking at someone who will take pride in his work and work unceasingly to provide you with the best real estate advice, whether or not you are in this market just to get a new roof over your head, or as a real estate investor (beginning or seasoned) and to provide you with the best value with no compromises, I’m the right person and I would like to do a short meet up with you to discuss your real estate needs.

Please feel free to contact me at the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible

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